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Justin Pate

Justin Pate photo Justin Pate
  • Purple Belt

I’m an avid listener of the JRE show and Joe Rogan was the man who peaked my initial interest in Brazilian style Jiu-Jitsu. Every time he had a Jiu-Jitsu practitioner on the podcast it just intrigued me more and more. The tipping point for me was the first lockdown. I wasn’t going to allow my excuses or time restraints dictate my future so I started my first class the day after the first lockdown finished. BJJ became a grounding practice for me very quickly. Something about the routine run through of drills to the intricate breakdown of guard passes and chokes spoke to my soul. I was never into sports; I dislike playing in large teams that people can routinely disappoint you. But BJJ is both an individual sport and a team sport. Individual in the way that you must put in your own hours, bringing your own drive and motivation. Without mat hours you will never process your game. But without the team you are truly nothing in Jiu-Jitsu. The team points out your flaws, applauds your successes and helps you work on your game. They help you break down moves, modify them to your size and stature and allow you to choke them out for practice. My Jiu-Jitsu squad has become my family, my mentors and will always have my back. 


My immediate family, wife and son, decided to join the team last year and we’ve never looked back. It has bonded us together and we continuously have things to talk about/work on together. I began coaching my son’s class in order to offer hands on assistance but it’s become a bonding experience for us and we’re better than ever. Having to break down, explain the details to someone has expanded my knowledge and true understanding of the sport.

Favorite Quote: "Adapt and overcome” ~ Professor Sean