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Gregory Rachel

Gregory Rachel photo Gregory Rachel
  • Purple Belt

The Mats never Lie

I'm Greg, a coach and student under Professor Sean Tribble at Ground Up Jiu-jitsu in Yuba City.
I have been training Brazilian Jiu-jitsu since August of 2018. I was lucky enough to be given an
opportunity to be a helper/coach in my son’s class a few months after starting my journey.
I can honestly say that I have learned as much fundamental jiu-jitsu in the kid’s class as I have in adult classes. I have seen kids who were unable to get on the mat without a full meltdown, transform into confident youth with potential as far as they are willing to take their training. You will get out of class as much as you invest into it. It will be difficult, but fun. There will be good training days, and days that you don’t “win”, but are forced
to make room for learning. I honestly believe that Micro-Dosing adversity makes a person more mentally
and physically resilient in day to day life, in self-defense, and on the Jiu-Jitsu mats. Even though jiu-jitsu
is journey for oneself, we have created a team environment of coaches and students that
encourage and push each other to become better in all aspects of life.
“The mats don’t show you who you are, they show you who you aren't."