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Ryan Cherenson

Ryan Cherenson photo Ryan Cherenson
  • Purple Belt - 2 Stripes

I started training Brazilian jiu jitsu in 2018 and have been obsessed since day 1. When my daughters were born my paternal instincts kicked in and I recognized that I needed to learn how to effectively protect myself and my family. I quickly realized that jiu jitsu is not only great for self defense, but it’s a great way to have fun, stay in shape, and build a community of awesome people. Now that my girls are old enough to train, it has also become a family bonding activity. I know they may not stick with it forever, but within a short period of time they have already began to understand the core principles of respect, discipline, and self-confidence. My personal goal is to continue training as long as possible and become a competent martial artist. I will also do my best to share what I have learned with others so that they can gain the skills and confidence that jiu jitsu has helped me achieve.

Favorite Quote for Jiu-Jitsu: “If you think, you are late. If you are late, you use strength. If you use strength, you tire. And if you tire, you die.”
- Saulo Ribeiro

Favorite Quote for Life: “Focus on the things you can control.”