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Renee Tanabe

Renee Tanabe photo Renee Tanabe
  • Blue Belt - 1 Stripe

In the current climate of the world I feel it’s important that women are aware of their surroundings and are able to defend themselves and their children. Women’s defense classes are good for an intro but in reality if you’re not practicing the skill on an everyday basis and are comfortable in close hand to hand combat, then when a situation arises you won’t be prepared. Shortly before I started jiujitsu I had a situation arise that I was very uncomfortable in and it made me realize that I needed to practice jiujitsu with my husband. I realized that someday I may be my only protector and needed to prepare accordingly.

We now do it as a family and it’s a very deep rewarding bonding experience. I’ve done many things in my life but nothing quite compares to the feeling when you bow onto the mat. I’m an older smaller set female and I know now that I can handle myself in most situations. I know how to react under pressure. I know what my strengths and weakness are. I know what I am capable of and I know that I can turn it up when my survival may depend on it.

- Favorite Quote:  When you make friends in jiu jitsu it’s forever.  - Fabio Santos