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Justin Hall

Justin Hall photo Justin Hall
  • Blue Belt

Coming from a team sport background (primarily baseball), martial arts was not something within my comfort zone and has been one of the biggest surprises to come into my life. I have always known about the physical, mental, and emotional benefits from practicing the ‘gentle arts’. I began classes shortly after signing up my children at Ground Up and watching their lives begin to transform. I wanted to see what the lessons and principles taught through Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu could bring into my life, while leading my family by example, and started practice in late 2022. The benefits I have experienced while at Ground-Up are immeasurable. The culture and atmosphere is safe, calm, and competent. I have gained friends and mentors that have become like family. It was an honor to be asked to join as a coach and I hope to inspire the learning and practice of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in others.