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Gavin Duarte

Gavin Duarte photo Gavin Duarte
  • Purple Belt

I was involved in all the sports growing up. I grew up before the internet and everything was recorded, so let’s just say (lie) I was a BIG deal at the local parks!

As I became an adult: I stopped moving my body, my friends moved away and/or had their plates full of their responsibilities, I gained weight, I was depressed.

I knew I had to make a change. I was not being the best father, husband, person I could be. I knew the PERFECT solution to all my problems…! I was going to join a bowling team!

Sadly, Yuba City’s only bowling alley closed as soon as I had this life changing epiphany.

I Googled “local adult athletics” and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu was in my search results. All the memories of the old UFC VHS tapes I rented from Blockbuster Video came back to me. I could be Yuba City’s Royce Gracie!!! (Thoughts before training are SO cute)

I will never forget my trial class with Professor Sean in 2018. I was greeted by the Professor and coaches. Coach Jag was very nice, showing me the warm-up movements and helping me through the techniques. It was then time for specific training (live rolling starting in a specific position). Within a minute I was exhausted. Coach Jag, my rolling partner, never broke a sweat the whole time rolling with me. As I was helped to my feet, The team all hugged each other and had words of encouragement and smiles. I, like all the others in the Jiu-Jitsu community, instantly fell in love with this weird sport.

I realized: I had an amazing workout, made friends, made it through the most grueling 5 minutes of my life, will eventually be able to defend myself, and life is pretty good when I’m not getting choked.

 “We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.”

-Carlos Castaneda

Ground-Up Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy has given me the tools to make myself strong and connected me with a wonderfully supportive community. I am honored to now be able to welcome others into our community and help them on their journey to become strong.